Welcome to my site

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James ChenSeptember 2, 2024

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This is a description about why this site was built.

This is a side project of mine, which was built for several purposes. First, it showcases my skills as a full stack developer. To build and operate a site from scratch, it requires a variety of skills:

  • Front-end, in which case I used both Angular and NextJS
  • Back-end. My long-term skills is .NET.
  • Cloud hosting: AWS Lambda, DynamoDb, Api Gateway, RDS, SNS, S3, CloudFlare
  • CMS: I used a freebie: Strapi. It supports the use cases which are commonly available in commercial SaaS headless CMS which charges a hell lot of money.
  • CICD: Github Action
  • Copyrighting: ChatGPT
  • Stock images: Pexels

Because the site runs on lambdas, the running cost is near zero. This is suitable for a personal website which doesn't have a lot of traffic but you still want it to be available 24x7 and of low maintenance. Lambdas are serverless so I don't need to worry about the host being down. It's always on guaranteed by AWS. See the architecture diagram: jiejiechen diagram.drawio (1).png

The second reason to have this site is to provide a generic templates for myself to use when I need to build something similar. My aim is to keep updating the codebase to make it refresh and relevant. The site contains some common features which are often see in many websites:

  • CMS
  • Enquiry Form
  • Backend Logic in .NET

Potentially, I can add more common features such as payment and authentication (which exists but hidden).

The last but not least reason is to use this site to provide some technical education on full stack development. I'm planning to write more articles and potentially video recordings about the changes happening on this site. Currently, the site is public on Github. Once I write up more articles, they will be published as blog on this site.

Should you be interested on anything, you can also leave a message and I'll reach out to you.

Happy coding!